Wednesday, 5 December 2012

If you hang around the quayside long enough, something interesting always happens. I was just doing my version of jogging (it's like jogging central round these parts, particularly on the bit between the opera house and the botanic gardens), when I spied a throng at the entrance to the cinema.

It turns out, the masses were attending the world premiere (loose term) of a new film about popcorn. The guys at the front were recruiting 'extras' to hang around on the red carpet, looking suitably impressed. I can do that, I thought, even if I'm a tad under-dressed. It didn't seem to matter, even though some ladies had clearly been tipped off, and had made a supreme effort in the dress department: very Melbourne Cup. 

Well, this new blockbuster was called Choccorn on account of the fact it was, you guessed it, about chocolate-covered popcorn. The promotional video lasted no more than a few seconds, with a speech or two before and aft. So not exactly Oscar material. We did get some free samples though. They tasted rather good, incase you're wondering.      

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